Shiv Puliady

Shiv Puliady's headshot

Shiv is currently a sophomore studying Public Health at UC San Diego and has debated for Del Norte High School for 4 years. Shiv loves to teach his students on how to understand lay debate and create unique case writing strategies that can put his teams over the top. During his career, he acquired 8 bids to the Tournament of Champions, qualified twice to the CHSSA state tournament, and broke at the NSDA tournament in his senior year. He also reached outrounds at 17 national circuit tournaments, including Semifinals at Berkeley and Nano Nagle, as well as Octofinals at ASU and Blake. As a coach, he has had extensive experience coaching teams from all skill levels, and some of the teams that he coached broke at the Tournament of Champions and Nationals, as well as reaching deep outrounds including Semifinals at UK, Finals at Villager, Quarterfinals at Alta, Semifinals at UNLV, Octofinals at ASU, while receiving many speaker awards on the way. He is excited to be an instructor at NSD this summer!


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