Private Debate Tutoring
Online via Zoom
Tutor with our expert staff year-round and improve on your schedule.

Online via Zoom
Tutor with our expert staff year-round and improve on your schedule.
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Private Tutoring
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Private tutoring let’s families maximize individualized attention and structure education to target specific needs and weaknesses.
Online tutoring provides the flexibility necessary to rigorously develop debate-specific skills while having freedom to pursue other activities.
Our year-long tutoring provides families everything they love about NSD’s summer camps: best-in-class education and curriculum.
Our tutors have unparalleled track records as championship coaches and debaters.
Individual coaching is an excellent way for students to receive a curriculum customized to fit their needs, at a pace appropriate for them. Whether a student is seeking an introductory curriculum to the fundamentals of debate, or seeking advanced work on a series of specialized debate skills, each student’s individual tutoring program is tailored to fit their needs.
Access to tutors drawn from the pool of our summer faculty, which represents a selection of the best debate coaches in the country
Coaching sessions focus on a curriculum suitable to each student
Structured drills and practice to solidify improvement
Supporting materials and assignments that students can complete between sessions
Flexible scheduling to fit into each student’s summer schedule
Students receive free access to NSD’s Skill Builder curriculum. Skill Builder features stand-alone curriculum modules intended for independent study, built by top faculty. Skill Builder helps students solidify background skills ahead of camp, so students can focus on what matters most while they are tutoring.
Purpose built by top debate coaches to help students improve their debate skills through focused, individual work
Step-by-step, easy to use modules with tools to improve their debate skills and arrive ready to maximize their improvement
Includes drill materials and rubrics for self-assessment, so students can practice on their own
Great for students with skill areas they want to improve on their own, and for true beginners who who want an introduction to debate
Helps students focus on the most valuable work during sessions, not on catching up
NSD's instructors are dedicated to providing personalized feedback to help you build confidence with key concepts and skills.
Dates: Year-Long
Via Zoom
Free Access to Skill Builder Program
Paymen Due Upon Registration
Dates: Year-Long
Via Zoom
Free Access to NSD Skill Builder
Payment Due Upon Registration
If you are unable to attend camp for the full duration due to conflict in schedule, please contact us about attending camp for a subset of time.
We are committed to providing low-income students with access to our camp programs through need-based scholarships. If you are interested in applying for financial aid, please view our scholarships page.