Vivek Yarlagedda

Vivek Yarlagedda's headshot

Vivek Yarlagedda is a current senior at Southlake Carroll, where he debated for four years on the national circuit and accumulated 10 bids. During his senior year, Vivek won both Bronx and Blue Key and was ranked as the #1 team in the country as of December 2023. Across his career, Vivek was the top seed at Emory and TFA State, semifinaled Blake and UT, and was invited to both the Harvard and Kandi King Round Robins. As President of Southlake’s debate program, Vivek has mentored various TOC-qualed teams and specializes in teaching high-level prep skills, technical substance debate, and progressive debate. Outside of the activity, he loves listening to music and watching the Cowboys lose. He is very excited to teach at NSD this summer!


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